Keith McKim is a Hospice of Lake Cumberland Chaplain. In recounting some of his experiences related to
grief counseling, he gave this story as one of the most memorable and heart touching.
Attending grief camp for children, (Camp Promise), has been one of my favorite times
as chaplain. On one of those overnighters, we had several planned activities such as
fishing, horseback riding, egg tossing and others activities, all aimed at helping a child
deal with their grief. I was surprised when one little 7-year old boy whose grandfather
had passed away a few months prior, said to me, “so…I guess it’s ok for me to laugh
again!” I spent time giving him the opportunity to talk about good times he had with his
grandpa walking in the woods, fishing, shooting rifles and working in the yard. You see,
because this little fellow saw his mom, and his aunts and uncles cry and mourn at his
grandpa’s passing, he felt he needed to be sad for all of them. He was relieved when I
shared with him that Grandpa would want him to enjoy life to the fullest and world be
happy to know that all the things he had taught him would never be forgotten.
Keith and his wife, Louise, have celebrated 50 years of marriage together and are the
proud parents of 3 lovely daughters and 5 grandchildren, who all laugh with their
grandpa whenever they can.