Lasting Memories is Available and Free to Everyone
Here’s something for everyone. Imagine that on the first holiday or birthday after the passing of a love-one, you receive an email with a video recording from that person -something that they recorded prior to their passing. It’s a greeting from this dear one – something they intended to help you through what is bound to be a difficult day. It would become a treasure that you would view from time to time.
That’s what LASTING MEMORIES gives to users – the ability to SEE your loved one, the color of their eyes, the sound of their voice; the opportunity to really listen to those wise and loving words is priceless.
LASTING MEMORIES is offered free of charge to anyone anywhere. We know this program will be a blessing to our patients but believe it will benefit anyone who wishes to use it – even those who are not ill. It takes just 2 minutes to sign up for your LM account. By clicking on the “Help” button on the top, right-hand side of our home page, you will find both written and video instructions on how to use this amazing program.
Add new posts as often as you like. Make as many videos as you want. The program is totally free to create videos and to view them. No hidden charges. Lasting Memories is a gift to folks everywhere from Hospice of Lake Cumberland in South-Central Kentucky. Just log onto our website at and click on “Lasting Memories” on the top, right side of the page. To view video and written tutorials on how to use LM, click on “Help” also on the top right of our home page.
Our wish is that Lasting Memories will be a blessing to you and those you love.